Company "Finance-Energo"

Finans-Energo is a multifunctional investment company whose strategic goal is to invest in the power grid sector.

Our company defines its mission as providing high-quality power supply and uninterrupted operation of more than 20 residential and commercial properties with a total area of ​​1,500,000 square meters and a book value of more than 5 billion rubles.

To date, Finance-Energo owns power grid facilities, the total transformer capacity is 260 MVA, the total length of power lines is 415 km.

As part of this mission, the company performs a search, instrumental (laboratory) examination of the degree of performance, current and emergency repairs (if necessary), and the purchase of functioning power grid assets.

After completing all the procedures for the purchase of assets, the Finance-Energo company transfers them on the basis of long-term lease agreements to territorial power grid companies for the purpose of their further operation.

Also, our company cooperates with the private electrical service company "ServiceEnergoStroy" to provide laboratory equipment and specialized vehicles for rent.

Our facilities